Gr8ful-4-H2O Navajo Water Project

Gr8ful-4-H2O Navajo Water Project

“1 in 3 Navajo still don’t have a sink or a toilet. So we bring clean, hot and cold running water to families across New Mexico, Utah and Arizona.”

”We're a human rights nonprofit serving the 2.2 million+ people in the U.S. without the sinks, bathtubs or toilets that the rest of us take for granted.”


Love in Action – In our continuing dedication to bringing clean sustainable water to those in need, we are going from last years fundraising for Charity Water to this year’s event, of bringing it home with Dig Deep and the Navajo Water Project.

We ask you to join with us again in Love and Gratitude, with your hearts, minds, bodies and pocketbooks to help reach the goals and give that which we can take for granted when we turn on the faucet, of clean water.

As part of our commitment, we once again will be moving our bodies, hearts, and minds around Lake Tahoe on August 3rd - 6th 2023, as our culmination, celebration of monies donated by us and you.

Please join us as we paddle, bike, walk, dance, tiptoe and sashay around Lake Tahoe. We encourage you to bring those sponsorships and donations that make a lasting difference in the world and in your heart.

Every $20 you donate to Gr8ful 4 H20, automatically enters you into our raffle. Check out the raffle prizes here

Or just donate now, by clicking here!

What have we been doing at Fifth Element for Dig Deep? We have donated $1111 to start off the campaign. We then donated $727.50 as a matching gift for those who donated in March. For the month of June we are each donating 10% of all our sessions with clients.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Please click on title tier below to make your choice of donation.

Please click on title tier below to make your choice of donation.

Drop: $5 - $221 just because you are wonderful.

Ripple: $222 - $541: Your Logo on the official T-Shirt. (You will receive a t-shirt or tank-top. We need logo by July 11th)

Splash: $555 - $998: Everything in Level 1 plus Logo on the 5ehc website and sponsorship mentions on all Gr8ful-4-H20 posts and mention in 5EHC Gr8ful-4-H2O specific newsletters. (must have logo by July 11.)

Cannonball: $999 and Oh my gosh Thank you so much!:  Everything in Levels 1 & 2 plus mentions/logo in 1 NTBA newsletter, as well as logo on support vehicle banners and building.  (Donation must be made by July 11 and logo information provided to us.)


1.      Warm fuzzy feelings in your heart because you helped others.

2.      Charitable Tax write off for your business directly to and through Dig Deep with 100% of the donation going to help bring clean water directly to the Navajo Nation.

3.      Every time you take a sip of water, realizing that you are giving a sip to someone else.

4.      North Tahoe Business Association specific Gr8ful-4-H20 newsletter blast goes out to 4,800 NTBA members, locals and visitors. (with Cannonball donation only, donation and appropriate information must be in by 7/1)

5.  5EHC newsletter blast goes out to 1,113 and growing, worldwide members. (with Splash & Cannonball Donation only)

7. North Tahoe Business Association will be adding this event to their online calendars as well as sharing in their e-newsletter blast and on social media.

8. With Cannon Ball donation logo will go on support vehicles that will be following us around Lake Tahoe for 4 days. These banners will then be hung on the corner of our building for a month after the event, through the Labor day holiday. Our building is located at the intersection of Racoon street and North Lake Blvd. at the Kings Beach roundabout, directly across from the beach.

Want to join us for some or all of it?
Get your own sponsors to donate through the campaign!

Can’t give monetarily?
We are also are accepting Gift Certificates for a raffle/auction,
all monies are given directly to:

Gr8ful 4 H2O Dig Deep - Navajo Water Project.